Developer tips

We publish on an irregular base tips for improving your development workflow or how to deal with some nasty bugs.

Add support for PHPUnit 8 on Os X 10.14

By | 2019-02-24T15:34:38+00:00 February 24th, 2019|Developer tips|

When you have Mamp Pro and want to run phpunit or composer, the environment defaults to /usr/local/bin/php. Mamp Pro adds an alias to your .bash_profile instead of overruling the environment path. Because of that, you may experience something like this: This version of PHPUnit is supported on PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3. You are using

Resolve General error: 1005 Can’t create table (errno: 150) in

By | 2019-02-24T15:27:03+00:00 February 23rd, 2019|Developer tips|

Do you recognise this after running a migration with a foreign key reference in it? PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table 'my-app.#sql-1_188' (errno: 150) in [..] While this may not be clear at first, this error can happen if you are trying to add a foreign key. Run the following query to find